
Belden Horizon™ Console

Belden Horizon™ Console provides a simple, seamless, secure, and reliable way to connect to operational systems. The platform’s edge orchestration capabilities allow users to deploy and manage edge applications across one or many devices at the same time, locally or remotely. Secure Remote Access (SRA) technology helps ensure secure cellular or wired connections. The platform also supports always-on connectivity to geographically dispersed assets via the Persistent Data Network (PDN) application

Features & Benefits

  • Defense-in-Depth security: Measures include token-based tow-factor authentication, Active Directory support via single sign-on, role-based user and device access, outbound connectivity, end-to-end encryption, and a user-configurable password policy.
  • Flexible solution: Choose from on-demand or always-on remote connectivity.
  • No software installation or maintenance: Belden manages Belden Horizon. This saves you time and eliminates a common entry point for hackers.
  • Virtual Lockout-Tagout (vLOTO): This first-of-its-kind innovation increases the security of your remote assets by requiring users to obtain permission prior to making a secure connection to a machine.