Environmental, Social & Governance
Creating a more connected, responsible and sustainable world for all.
A message from our CEO
Together, we have built a company and culture that is unlike any other in the world. Through our people and our strong commitment to our values, we continually strive to serve the needs of our customers and the improve communities where we live and work. We have a responsibility to make a positive, meaningful impact on the world around us, which is why our commitment to ESG is so important.
Along with our colleagues around the world, I am committed to leaving the world better than we found it. As we continue on our transformational journey from selling products to providing individualized solutions, the ESG work enables us to outperform our competition in a sustainable way. We are dedicated to continuously improving our global impact through visible and measurable progress. I encourage you to learn more about our commitment and find ways to get involved.
Ashish Chand, President & Chief Executive Officer
Our Commitment to ESG Stewardship
With more than 120 years in operation, Belden has earned a reputation for doing business in a responsible and ethical manner. Today, as a global automation, security, and infrastructure solutions provider, we empower companies around the world to advance their impact in the world—and our commitment to delivering the right results in the right way is stronger than ever.
Our Approach and Strategy
In 2021, under the oversight of our ESG Steering Committee, we engaged a third party to conduct our first materiality assessment* to identify the ESG topics that are most relevant to our stakeholders and to our business. By engaging both internal and external stakeholders, we have developed a framework for our management of the identified strategic priority ESG topics and to guide our strategy in making measurable progress. To put our ambitions into action, we have established goals for our strategic priority ESG topics, including carbon reduction goals for 2025.
*View the complete results of our Materiality Matrix and our approach to Stakeholder Engagement on our ESG Tearsheet.